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String Rotation

Check if one string is formed by rotating the other string eg: abcd, dabc, cdab, bcda

def string_rotation(original, test):
Check if one string is formed by rotating the other string eg: abcd, dabc, cdab, bcda
if len(original) != len(test):
return False
return _is_substring(test + test, original)

def _is_substring(s1, s2):
return s2 in s1

if __name__ == "__main__":
assert string_rotation('waterbottle', 'bottlewater')
assert string_rotation('waterbottle', 'aterbottlew')
assert string_rotation('abcd', 'dabc')
assert string_rotation('abcd', 'dabc')
assert string_rotation('abcd', 'cdab')
assert string_rotation('abcd', 'bcda')
assert string_rotation('abcd', 'efgh') is False
assert string_rotation('xxxx', 'yyyy') is False

Updated on 2020-03-19