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Selection Sort

Identify the smallest element from unsorted portion and put it at the end of the sorted portion

package algorithmdesignmanualbook.sorting

import java.util.*

fun main() {
val elements = "SELECTIONSORT".split("").filter(String::isNotBlank)
val input = elements.toTypedArray()

* Identify the smallest element from unsorted portion and put it at the end of the sorted portion
private fun selectionSort(array: Array<String>) {
for (i in 0..array.lastIndex) {
var smallestElementIndex = i
for (j in (i + 1)..array.lastIndex) {
if (array[smallestElementIndex] > array[j]) {
smallestElementIndex = j
swap(array, i, smallestElementIndex)

private fun swap(array: Array<String>, index1: Int, index2: Int) {
val temp = array[index1]
array[index1] = array[index2]
array[index2] = temp

Updated on 2021-02-08