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Palindrome Integer

Write a function that checks whether an integer is a palindrome.

For example, 191 is a palindrome, as well as 111. 123 is not a palindrome.

package questions

import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import utils.shouldBe
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.log10

* Write a function that checks whether an integer is a palindrome.
* For example, 191 is a palindrome, as well as 111. 123 is not a palindrome.
private fun isIntegerAPalindrome(value: Int): Boolean {
if (value <= 9) return true
val length = (ceil(log10(value.toFloat()))).toInt() // calculate length of digit using log10

val isOddLength = length % 2 != 0
val stack: Stack<Int> = Stack<Int>()
val midIndex = (length - 1) / 2 // go from last to the middle digit while pushing the digit to stack;
// after reaching the middle, if the [value] is of odd length, ignore the middle digit
// once it reaches the middle, pop the stack and compare popped value with the remaining digits

var current = value
var count = length - 1

while (current != 0) {
val lastDigit = current % 10 // get the last digit
current /= 10 // remove the last digit
if (count > midIndex) { // for the last half
stack.push(lastDigit) // push each digit into stack
} else if (count == midIndex) { // for the middle digit, start popping the stack and comparing it with remaining digits
if (!isOddLength) { // if the [value] is of even length
val popped = stack.pop() // then treat it normally i.e. pop the stack
if (popped != lastDigit) { // check if popped digit is equal to the [lastDigit]
return false // not a palindrome
} else { // if the [value] is of odd length (eg. 12[3]21)
// then do nothing and ignore the middle digit i.e. 3

} else { // pop the stack and check if the value is equal to last index of [current]
val popped = stack.pop()
if (popped != lastDigit) { // if popped value != last digit, then not a palindrome
return false
return true

fun main() {
isIntegerAPalindrome(1) shouldBe true

isIntegerAPalindrome(191) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(111) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(11111) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(111111) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(121111) shouldBe false
isIntegerAPalindrome(123) shouldBe false
isIntegerAPalindrome(1234) shouldBe false
isIntegerAPalindrome(12355) shouldBe false
isIntegerAPalindrome(123321) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(12) shouldBe false
isIntegerAPalindrome(121) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(1221) shouldBe true
isIntegerAPalindrome(0) shouldBe true

Updated on 2022-03-25