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Given a non-negative integer x, compute and return the square root of x. Source

package questions

import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import utils.shouldBe

* Given a non-negative integer x, compute and return the square root of x.
* [Source](
private fun mySqrt(x: Int): Int {
if (x == 1) return x
val xLong = x.toLong() // squaring x can't fit in Int it goes beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE
var num: Long = xLong.shr(1)
var prev: Long = xLong

// Find the range of possible answers by dividing by 2
// Given 40: 20 (20x20) -> 10 (10x10=100) -> 5 (5x5=25)
// So answer must lie between 5 & 10
while (num * num > x) {
prev = num // prev is used to compensate for float to int conversions eg. sqrt(6)
num = num.shr(1)
// Check if the answer is 5
if (num * num == x.toLong()) {
return num.toInt()
// else traverse from 5 to 10
var low = num
val high = prev
// OR do binary search here
while (low <= high) {
val lowSq = low * low
if (lowSq == xLong) {
return low.toInt()
} else if (lowSq < x) {
} else if (lowSq > x) {
return (low - 1).toInt()
return num.toInt()

fun main() {
mySqrt(2147395599) shouldBe 46339
mySqrt(6) shouldBe 2
mySqrt(100) shouldBe 10
mySqrt(50) shouldBe 7
mySqrt(40) shouldBe 6
mySqrt(25) shouldBe 5
mySqrt(1) shouldBe 1
mySqrt(64) shouldBe 8
mySqrt(8) shouldBe 2
mySqrt(4) shouldBe 2

Updated on 2021-11-02