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Check Balanced

package graphs;

import graphs.commons.Tree;

class CheckBalanced {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int[] array = new int[21];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = i;
// Generate binary tree
final Tree binaryTree = MinimalTree.fromSortedArray(array);
assert isBalanced(binaryTree);

Tree notBinaryTree = new Tree(1);
notBinaryTree.left = new Tree(2);
notBinaryTree.left.left = new Tree(2);
notBinaryTree.left.right = new Tree(2);
notBinaryTree.left.left.left = new Tree(2);
assert !isBalanced(notBinaryTree);


static int getHeight(Tree tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return 0;
// The height of a node at a level is the height of the node below it plus 1.
// Binary tree has two leaves at most, so height of the deepest tree is counted
return Math.max(getHeight(tree.left), getHeight(tree.right)) + 1;

static Boolean isBalanced(Tree tree) {
return Math.abs(getHeight(tree.left) - getHeight(tree.right)) <= 1;


Updated on 2021-02-03