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Dijkstra Algorithm

package algorithmsinanutshell

import algorithmdesignmanualbook.padLeft
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals

class DijkstraAlgorithm(val graph: Graph, private val startVertex: Vertex, private val endVertex: Vertex) {
* List containing path:length
private val connections = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Int>>()
private val distance = mutableMapOf<Graph.Vertex, Int>()

init {
graph.getAllNodes().forEach {
if (startVertex != it) {
distance[it] = Integer.MAX_VALUE
} else {
distance[startVertex] = 0

private fun relaxVertex(queue: LinkedList<Vertex>, vertex: Vertex) {
val currentWeight = distance[vertex]!!
vertex.edges.forEach {
val end = it.endVertex
val costOfPath = it.weight!!

if (distance[end]!! > currentWeight + costOfPath) {
distance[end] = currentWeight + costOfPath

fun execute(): Pair<String, Int> {
val queue = LinkedList<Graph.Vertex>()

while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val first = queue.removeFirst()
relaxVertex(queue, first)
println(first.value.toString() + ": " + distance[first])

println("Min distance from start to end vertex is ${distance[endVertex]}")

// Above LOC finds best distance from start vertex
// To find the path that has best distance, we have to do Depth first traversal
depthFirstTraversal(startVertex, Stack<Vertex>().also { it.add(startVertex) }, 0)

println("All paths from start to end vertex are:")
connections.forEach {
println(it.first.padLeft() + " : " + it.second)

val bestPath = connections.minByOrNull { it.second }!!
println("Shortest path is $bestPath")
return bestPath

* Recursively traverse a list
private fun depthFirstTraversal(vertex: Vertex, stack: Stack<Vertex>, totalDistance: Int) {
if (vertex == endVertex) {
// If endVertex then store the path
connections.add(Pair(stack.getVertexNames(), totalDistance))
} else {
for (edge in vertex.edges) {
// On every branch out, clone the stack
val newStack = stack.clone() as Stack<Vertex>
depthFirstTraversal(edge.endVertex, newStack, totalDistance + edge.weight!!)



fun main() {

private fun test1() {
val graph = Graph(Relation.WEIGHTED_DIRECTED)
val v1 = graph.add(1)
val v6 = graph.add(6)
val v2 = graph.add(2)
val v3 = graph.add(3)
val v4 = graph.add(4)
val v5 = graph.add(5)

v1.connectWith(v2, 5)
v1.connectWith(v3, 4)
v3.connectWith(v2, 6)
v2.connectWith(v4, 2)
v3.connectWith(v6, 6)
v6.connectWith(v5, 1)
v4.connectWith(v5, 4)

val (path, distance) = DijkstraAlgorithm(graph, v1, v5).execute()
assertEquals(11, distance)
assertEquals("1,2,4,5", path)

private fun test2() {
val graph = Graph(Relation.WEIGHTED_DIRECTED)
val v1 = graph.add(1)
val v2 = graph.add(2)
val v3 = graph.add(3)
val v4 = graph.add(4)
val v5 = graph.add(5)
val v6 = graph.add(6)

v1.connectWith(v2, 5)
v1.connectWith(v3, 20)
v1.connectWith(v4, 11)
v1.connectWith(v5, 25)

v2.connectWith(v3, 10)

v3.connectWith(v4, 4)
v3.connectWith(v6, 20)

v4.connectWith(v5, 10)

v5.connectWith(v6, 1)

val (path, distance) = DijkstraAlgorithm(graph, v1, v6).execute()
assertEquals(22, distance)
assertEquals("1,4,5,6", path)

Updated on 2021-06-12