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Prim Min Spanning Tree Algorithm

Prim Algorithm starts from min cost edge and then selects the next small cost edge while maintaining the connection with first edge.

This can be modeled using [PriorityQueue] sorted using [Edge] w.r.t its weight

package algorithmsinanutshell

import utils.assertArraysSame
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals

* Prim Algorithm starts from min cost edge and then selects the next small cost edge
* while maintaining the connection with first edge.
* This can be modeled using [PriorityQueue] sorted using [Edge] w.r.t its weight
class PrimMinSpanningTreeAlgorithm(val graph: Graph) {
private val selected = mutableSetOf<Vertex>()
private val mst = Stack<Edge>()
private val pq = PriorityQueue<Edge> { o1, o2 -> o1!!.weight!! - o2!!.weight!! }
private var isExecuted = false

private lateinit var minEdge: Graph.Edge

init {
graph.getAllNodes().forEach { startVertex ->
startVertex.edges.forEach {
if (!::minEdge.isInitialized) {
minEdge = it
} else if (minEdge.weight!! > it.weight!!) {
minEdge = it

fun execute(): PrimMinSpanningTreeAlgorithm {
isExecuted = true
return this

fun result(): List<Edge> {
return mst.toList()

fun minCost(): Int {
return mst.sumBy { it.weight!! }

private fun runAlgorithm() {
// Add the starting vertex to selected

// Put its edge on priority queue

while (pq.isNotEmpty()) {
// Since items in priority queue are sorted using edge's weight, lowest cost edge is always at the top
val edge = pq.poll()
if (selected.contains(edge.endVertex)) {
} else {
// Add end vertex's edges to priority queue
// This will put it as candidate to be included in mst

fun main() {
val graph = Graph(Relation.WEIGHTED_UNDIRECTED)
val v1 = graph.add(1)
val v2 = graph.add(2)
val v3 = graph.add(3)
val v4 = graph.add(4)
val v5 = graph.add(5)

v1.connectWith(v2, 3)
v2.connectWith(v3, 6)
v3.connectWith(v4, 5)
v4.connectWith(v1, 10)
v5.connectWith(v2, 9)
v5.connectWith(v4, 8)

val mst = PrimMinSpanningTreeAlgorithm(graph).execute()
assertEquals(22, mst.minCost())
assertArraysSame(arrayOf(3, 6, 5, 8), mst.result().map { it.weight }.toTypedArray())


Updated on 2021-06-12