Design Hash Map
Design a HashMap without using any built-in hash table libraries:
initializes the object with an empty map.void put(int key, int value)
inserts a (key, value) pair into the HashMap. If the key already exists in the map, update the corresponding get(int key)
returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or -1 if this map contains no mapping for the key.void remove(key)
removes the key and its corresponding value if the map contains the mapping for the key.@see MyHashSet
package questions
import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import questions.common.ClassInvoker
import utils.shouldBe
* Design a HashMap without using any built-in hash table libraries:
* * `MyHashMap()` initializes the object with an empty map.
* * `void put(int key, int value)` inserts a (key, value) pair into the HashMap. If the key already exists in the map, update the corresponding value.
* * `int get(int key)` returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or -1 if this map contains no mapping for the key.
* * `void remove(key)` removes the key and its corresponding value if the map contains the mapping for the key.
* [Source](
* @see MyHashSet
class MyHashMap {
private var array = Array<Node?>(10) { null }
fun put(key: Int, value: Int) {
val index = getHashCode(key)
val (parent, self) = findParentAndSelf(index, key)
if (self != null) { // key already exists
self.value = value // then just update it
} else {
if (parent != null) { // append it to current bucket = Node(key, value)
} else {
array[index] = Node(key, value) // no element in the current bucket so add it as first node
private fun findParentAndSelf(index: Int, key: Int): Pair<Node?, Node?> {
var current: Node? = array[index] ?: return null to null
if (current?.key == key) { // first item has the key
return null to current // so no parents
while (current != null) {
if ( == key) { // next item has the key
return current to
if ( == null) { // next item is null so last most item is the parent
return current to null
current =
return current to null
private fun getHashCode(key: Int): Int {
return Integer.hashCode(key) % array.size // what is key is -ve, use abs?
fun get(key: Int): Int {
val index = getHashCode(key)
val (_, self) = findParentAndSelf(index, key)
return self?.value ?: -1
fun remove(key: Int) {
val index = getHashCode(key)
val (parent, self) = findParentAndSelf(index, key)
if (self == null) {
if (parent == null) { // this was the first node
array[index] =
} else { // its parent exists so join it with the child =
inner class Node(val key: Int, var value: Int) {
var next: Node? = null
fun main() {
run {
MyHashMap().apply {
put(1, 1) // The map is now [[1,1]]
put(2, 2) // The map is now [[1,1], [2,2]]
get(1) shouldBe 1// return 1, The map is now [[1,1], [2,2]]
get(3) shouldBe -1 // return -1 (i.e., not found), The map is now [[1,1], [2,2]]
put(2, 1) // The map is now [[1,1], [2,1]] (i.e., update the existing value)
get(2) shouldBe 1// return 1, The map is now [[1,1], [2,1]]
remove(2) // remove the mapping for 2, The map is now [[1,1]]
get(2) shouldBe -1 // return -1 (i.e., not found), The map is now [[1,1]]
put(10, 5)
get(10) shouldBe 5
put(10, 6)
get(10) shouldBe 6
get(10) shouldBe -1
run {
MyHashMap().apply {
for (j in 1..50) {
val i = j * 9
get(i) shouldBe -1
put(i, i * 2)
get(i) shouldBe i * 2
put(i, i * 3)
get(i) shouldBe i * 3
get(i) shouldBe -1
put(i, i)
get(i) shouldBe i
run {
val invoker = ClassInvoker<IntArray, IntArray>(
listOf("MyHashMap", "remove", "get", "put", "put", "put", "get", "put", "put", "put", "put"),
) {
intArrayOf(7, 3),
intArrayOf(11, 1),
intArrayOf(12, 1),
intArrayOf(1, 19),
intArrayOf(0, 3),
intArrayOf(1, 8),
intArrayOf(2, 6)
Updated on 2021-11-07