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Integer To Roman

Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.


package questions

import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import utils.shouldBe
import java.util.*

* Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.
* [Source](
private object IntToRoman {
private val conversionRules = TreeMap<Int, String>() // important that it is a TreeMap

init {
// define all conversion rules
1 to "I",
5 to "V",
10 to "X",
50 to "L",
100 to "C",
500 to "D",
1000 to "M"
).forEach {
conversionRules[it.first] = it.second

// define the subtraction rules
// * I can be placed before V (5) and X (10) to make 4 and 9.
// * X can be placed before L (50) and C (100) to make 40 and 90.
// * C can be placed before D (500) and M (1000) to make 400 and 900.
conversionRules[4] = "IV"
conversionRules[9] = "IX"
conversionRules[40] = "XL"
conversionRules[90] = "XC"
conversionRules[400] = "CD"
conversionRules[900] = "CM"

fun intToRoman(num: Int): String {
return _intToRoman(num, "")

private fun _intToRoman(num: Int, result: String): String {
if (num == 0) return result // exit case; weird how Romans didn't have the concept of ZERO
val lowerKey = findPreviousLowest(num) // find the previous lowest and...
val remaining = num - lowerKey // subtract it from num to get the remaining
val currentValue = result + conversionRules[lowerKey] // find the translation
return _intToRoman(remaining, currentValue) // recurse till it hits the zero

private fun findPreviousLowest(num: Int): Int {
if (conversionRules.containsKey(num)) return num // match found
return conversionRules.lowerKey(num)!! // since conversionRules is a TreeMap, find the lower match using its method

fun main() {
IntToRoman.intToRoman(3) shouldBe "III"
IntToRoman.intToRoman(4) shouldBe "IV"
IntToRoman.intToRoman(5) shouldBe "V"
IntToRoman.intToRoman(58) shouldBe "LVIII"
IntToRoman.intToRoman(1994) shouldBe "MCMXCIV"

Updated on 2022-08-22