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Cutouts To Generate String

You are given a search string and a magazine. You seek to generate all the characters in search string by cutting them out from the magazine. Give an algorithm to efficiently determine whether the magazine contains all the letters in the search string


  • Cases matters
  • Whitespace doesn't matter
package algorithmdesignmanualbook.datastructures

import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue

* You are given a search string and a magazine.
* You seek to generate all the characters in search string by cutting them out from the magazine.
* Give an algorithm to efficiently determine whether the magazine contains all the letters in the search string
* Notes:
* * Cases matters
* * Whitespace doesn't matter
fun isGenerateStringFromCutoutPossible(searchStr: String, magazine: String): Boolean {
val frequency = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>()
searchStr.replace(" ", "").forEach {
frequency[it] = frequency.getOrDefault(it, 0) + 1
magazine.forEach {
if (frequency.containsKey(it)) {
val newCounts = frequency[it]!!.minus(1)
if (newCounts == 0) {
} else {
frequency[it] = newCounts
if (frequency.isNotEmpty()) {
println("Requires: $frequency")
return frequency.isEmpty()

fun main() {
assertFalse { isGenerateStringFromCutoutPossible("hello", "Give an algorithm") }
assertTrue { isGenerateStringFromCutoutPossible("sing me a zing", "You are given a search string and a magazine") }
assertFalse { isGenerateStringFromCutoutPossible("you", "You are given a search string and a magazine") }
assertTrue {
"You give me a gain",
"You are given a search string and a magazine"

Updated on 2021-02-08