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AVL Tree

Always a balanced tree

To delete a non-leaf/non-root node, remove it and find the right most descendant and put it there. The child of right most descendant will replace the old position of rightmost descendant

Since there are fixed number of rotation, it can be considered as O(1)

Other variations of tree are

  • n-way tree like B-trees
  • red-black tree with more relaxed rotation rules and enforces height of one branch isn't greater than 2x other branch
package algorithmsinanutshell

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.test.assertEquals

* Always a balanced tree
* To delete a non-leaf/non-root node, remove it and find the right most descendant and put it there.
* The child of right most descendant will replace the old position of rightmost descendant
* Since there are fixed number of rotation, it can be considered as O(1)
* Other variations of tree are
* * n-way tree like B-trees
* * red-black tree with more relaxed rotation rules and enforces height of one branch isn't greater than 2x other branch
class AVLTree(val value: Int) {
var root: Node = Node(value)
private set

fun add(value: Int) {
root = root.add(value)

override fun toString(): String {
return "AVLTree($root)"

data class Node(val value: Int) {
var left: Node? = null
private set
var right: Node? = null
private set
private var height = 0

fun add(value: Int): Node {
var newRoot = this
if (value <= this.value) {
left = addToSubTree(left, value)
if (diff() == 2) {
newRoot = if (value <= left!!.value) rotateRight() else rotateLR()
} else {
right = addToSubTree(right, value)
if (diff() == -2) {
newRoot = if (value > right!!.value) rotateLeft() else rotateRL()
return newRoot

// O this
// /
// O newRoot
// /
// O grandson
private fun rotateRight(): Node {
// [this] is the upper most O
val newRoot = left!!
val grandson = newRoot.right
this.left = grandson
newRoot.right = this

return newRoot

private fun rotateLeft(): Node {
val newRoot = this.right!!
val grandChild = this.right!!.left
newRoot.left = this
this.right = grandChild
return newRoot

// O this
// /
// O mid
// \
// O newRoot
private fun rotateLR(): Node {
val newRoot = this.left!!.right!!
val mid = this.left!!
this.left = newRoot.right
mid.right = newRoot.left

newRoot.left = mid
newRoot.right = this

return newRoot

private fun rotateRL(): Node {
val mid = this.right!!
val newRoot = mid.left!!

this.right = newRoot.left
mid.left = newRoot.right

newRoot.left = this
newRoot.right = mid

return newRoot

private fun addToSubTree(tree: Node?, value: Int): Node {
var parent = tree ?: return Node(value)
parent = parent.add(value)
return parent

private fun diff(): Int {
var leftHeight = 0
var rightHeight = 0
if (left != null) {
leftHeight = 1 + left!!.height
if (right != null) {
rightHeight = 1 + right!!.height
return leftHeight - rightHeight

private fun computeHeight() {
var height = -1
if (left != null) {
height = max(height, left!!.height)
if (right != null) {
height = max(height, right!!.height)
this.height = height + 1

override fun toString(): String {
return "Node(value=$value, left=${left}, right=${right}, h=$height)"

fun print() {

fun main() {
val tree = AVLTree(100)

// 100
// 30 140
// 20 50 150
assertEquals(100, tree.root.value)
assertEquals(30, tree.root.left!!.value)
assertEquals(140, tree.root.right!!.value)
assertEquals(20, tree.root.left!!.left!!.value)
assertEquals(50, tree.root.left!!.right!!.value)
assertEquals(150, tree.root.right!!.right!!.value)

Updated on 2021-06-06