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Line Sweep Algorithm

Given a number of lines, find the lines that intersects with each other

Starting from left, sweep a vertical line through each point. Find the intersection of lines with each other that the vertical lines touches. If the sweep line has moved past a line (both points are to its left), this can be ignored.


package algorithmsinanutshell

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.test.assertTrue

* Given a number of lines, find the lines that intersects with each other
* Starting from left, sweep a vertical line through each point. Find the intersection of lines with each other
* that the vertical lines touches. If the sweep line has moved past a line (both points are to its left),
* this can be ignored.
* [link](
class LineSweepAlgorithm(private val lines: List<Line>) {

// Sort by x-coordinate
private var _lines = lines.sortedBy { line -> line.p1.x }

* Find active lines w.r.t [vLine]
private fun findLinesWithOnePointToLeftOfVerticalLine(vLine: Line): List<Line> {
// return _lines.filter { line ->
// min(line.p1.x, line.p2.x) <= vLine.p1.x && max(line.p2.x, line.p1.x) >= vLine.p1.x
// }
val result = mutableListOf<Line>()
for (line in _lines) {
// Since _lines is sorted, no need to go through all
if (min(line.p1.x, line.p2.x) <= vLine.p1.x && max(line.p2.x, line.p1.x) >= vLine.p1.x) {
} else {
return result
return result

fun execute(): Map<Line, Set<Line>> {
val intersectionMap = mapOf(* { l -> Pair(l, mutableSetOf<Line>()) }.toTypedArray())
// Could be optimized
// Find minY and maxY to find the length of vertical line that moves from minX to maxX
// OR GO with top to bottom instead of left to right, _lines is already sorted
val (minY, maxY) = Pair(
_lines.minOf { line -> min(line.p1.y, line.p2.y) },
_lines.maxOf { line -> max(line.p1.y, line.p2.y) }
for (line in _lines) {
val sweepLine = Line(line.p1.x fromTo minY, line.p1.x fromTo maxY)
val activeLines = findLinesWithOnePointToLeftOfVerticalLine(sweepLine)
for (i in 0..activeLines.lastIndex) {
for (j in 0..activeLines.lastIndex) {
if (i == j) {
val l1 = activeLines[i]
val l2 = activeLines[j]

// Already exists
if (intersectionMap[l1]!!.contains(l2)) {
if (IntersectionOfLines(l1, l2).hasIntersection()) {
intersectionMap.forEach { (t, u) ->
println("$t: $u")
return intersectionMap

fun main() {
run {
val lines = listOf(
Line(1 fromTo 5, 4 fromTo 5),
Line(6 fromTo 4, 9 fromTo 4),
Line(3 fromTo 2, 10 fromTo 3),
Line(7 fromTo 1, 8 fromTo 1),
Line(2 fromTo 5, 10 fromTo 1),
val intersections = LineSweepAlgorithm(lines).execute()
intersections.forEach { (currentLine, intersectingLines) ->
intersectingLines.forEach {
assertTrue { IntersectionOfLines(it, currentLine).hasIntersection() }

run {
// Has no intersection
val lines = listOf(
Line(0 fromTo 0, 10 fromTo 0),
Line(5 fromTo 3, 10 fromTo 3),
Line(3 fromTo 4, 10 fromTo 4)
val intersections = LineSweepAlgorithm(lines).execute()
intersections.forEach { (_, intersectingLines) ->
assertTrue { intersectingLines.isEmpty() }

run {
// * * *
// \ | /
// x
// / | \
// * * *
val lines = listOf(
Line(1 fromTo 6, 4 fromTo 8),
Line(1 fromTo 8, 4 fromTo 6),
Line(3 fromTo 10, 3 fromTo 4)
val intersections = LineSweepAlgorithm(lines).execute()
intersections.forEach { (currentLine, intersectingLines) ->
assertTrue { intersectingLines.size == 2 }
intersectingLines.forEach {
assertTrue { IntersectionOfLines(it, currentLine).hasIntersection() }

Updated on 2021-07-06