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First Common Ancestor

package graphs;

import graphs.commons.BidirectionalTree;

class FirstCommonAncestor {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// Root of the tree
final BidirectionalTree tree = new BidirectionalTree(null, 10);

tree.left = new BidirectionalTree(tree, 20);
tree.right = new BidirectionalTree(tree, 80);

tree.right.right = new BidirectionalTree(tree, 100);
tree.left.left = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left, 30);
tree.left.right = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left, 60);

tree.left.left.left = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left.left, 40);
tree.left.left.right = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left.left, 50);

// Node two
final BidirectionalTree q = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left.right, 70);
tree.left.right.right = q;

// Node one
final BidirectionalTree p = new BidirectionalTree(tree.left.left.left, 90);
tree.left.left.left.left = p;

// Find the diff between two tree from the root
int delta = depth(p) - depth(q);
System.out.println("Diff=" + delta);

// Move the deepest tree by the difference so that two nodes are at equal depth
BidirectionalTree t1 = p;
BidirectionalTree t2 = q;
if (delta < 0) {
t2 = goUpBy(q, delta);
} else if (delta > 0) {
t1 = goUpBy(p, delta);
assert commonAncestor(t1, t2).data == 20;


static BidirectionalTree goUpBy(BidirectionalTree tree, int times) {
BidirectionalTree current = tree;
for (int i = 1; i <= times; i++) {
current = current.parent;
return current;

static Integer depth(BidirectionalTree tree) {
BidirectionalTree current = tree;
int count = 0;
while (current.parent != null) {
current = current.parent;
return count;

static BidirectionalTree commonAncestor(BidirectionalTree t1, BidirectionalTree t2) {
BidirectionalTree current1 = t1;
BidirectionalTree current2 = t2;

// since they are in same depth, move up to parent till the common parent is found
while (current1 != current2) {
current1 = current1.parent;
current2 = current2.parent;
return current1;

Updated on 2021-02-03