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def multiply(num1: str, num2: str):
total_sum = 0
lenght1 = len(num1)
lenght2 = len(num2)

for i in range(lenght2 - 1, -1, -1):
session_res = 0
session_sum = 0
carry = 0
for j in range(lenght1 - 1, -1, -1):
mul = (int(num1[j]) * int(num2[i])) + carry
# Do not calculate carry when j == 0 eg 36*4
if j > 0:
rem = mul % 10
carry = int(mul / 10)
rem = mul
carry = 0
# Multiply remainder based on its position i.e ones, tens, hundred ...
session_sum += rem * (10 ** ((lenght1 - 1) - j))

# Append 0's to last of the result of multiplication
session_res = session_sum * (10 ** (lenght2 - 1 - i))
# Use the remainder carry
if carry != 0:
session_res = (carry * 10 ** (len(str(session_res)))) + session_res
print(session_res, carry)
total_sum += session_res
# print(num1, "*", num2, "=", total_sum)
# print("---------------------------")
return total_sum

def test(num1, num2):
assert multiply(num1, num2) == int(num1) * int(num2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
test("12", "34")
test("123", "434")
test("120", "340")
test("1234", "67890")
test("56789", "0")
test("1", "2333333")
test("0", "0")
test("0123", "123123")
multiply("34567890", "987653")
multiply("36", "3")

Updated on 2020-03-19