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All pair shortest path algorithm

While Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm helps find shortest path between start and end vertex, [FloydWarshallAlgorithm] finds the shortest path between all vertices in a [graph]


package algorithmsinanutshell

import utils.PrintUtils
import java.lang.Integer.min

* # All pair shortest path algorithm
* While Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm helps find shortest path between start and end vertex, [FloydWarshallAlgorithm]
* finds the shortest path between all vertices in a [graph]
* [Source](
class FloydWarshallAlgorithm(val graph: Graph) {

private var adjacencyMatrix = Array(graph.vertexCount) { row ->
Array(graph.vertexCount) { col ->
if (row == col) 0 else Integer.MAX_VALUE

private fun buildAdjacencyMatrix() {
graph.getAllNodes().forEach { startVertex ->
startVertex.edges.forEach {
val endVertex = it.endVertex
adjacencyMatrix[startVertex.value - 1][endVertex.value - 1] = it.weight!!

init {

fun execute() {
println("Adjacency Matrix")

for (k in 0 until graph.vertexCount) {
for (row in 0 until graph.vertexCount) {
for (col in 0 until graph.vertexCount) {
if (row == col) {
// This is necessary to prevent addition of number with Integer.MAX_VALUE i.e (Integer.MAX_VALUE + N)
if (adjacencyMatrix[row][k] == Integer.MAX_VALUE || adjacencyMatrix[k][col] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

adjacencyMatrix[row][col] = min(
adjacencyMatrix[row][col], adjacencyMatrix[row][k] + adjacencyMatrix[k][col]
println("Shortest Path Matrix")

fun main() {
val graph = Graph.createWeightedDirectedGraph()
val v1 = graph.add(1)
val v2 = graph.add(2)
val v3 = graph.add(3)
val v4 = graph.add(4)

v1.connectWith(v2, 3)
v1.connectWith(v4, 7)

v2.connectWith(v1, 8)
v2.connectWith(v3, 2)

v3.connectWith(v4, 1)
v3.connectWith(v1, 5)

v4.connectWith(v1, 2)


Updated on 2021-06-12