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Pattern Matching

You are given two strings, pattern and value. The pattern string consists of just the letters a and b, describing a pattern within a string. For example, the string catcatgocatgo matches the pattern aabab (where cat is a and go is b). It also matches patterns like a, ab, and b. Write a method to determine if value matches pattern.

def __build_from_pattern(pattern: str, a: str, b: str):
result = []
starter = pattern[0]
for i in pattern:
if i == starter:

return ''.join(result)

def pattern_matching(pattern: str, value: str):
You are given two strings, pattern and value. The pattern string consists of just the letters a and b,
describing a pattern within a string. For example, the string catcatgocatgo
matches the pattern aabab (where cat is a and go is b). It also matches patterns like a, ab, and b.
Write a method to determine if value matches pattern.
starter_char = pattern[0]
other_char = 'b' if starter_char == 'a' else 'a'

starter_char_count = pattern.count(starter_char)
other_char_count = len(pattern) - starter_char_count

starter_max_length = int(len(value) / starter_char_count)

# Start from the max possible length of 'a'
for i in range(starter_max_length, 0, -1):
first = value[0: i]
# If the count of first matches the number of counts of 'a'
if value.count(first) == starter_char_count:
# remove all the `first` i.e. 'cat' so that we have only non-`first`
candidates = set(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, value.split(first)))
# To match the second, the set should have only one value i.e. ('go')
if len(candidates) != 1:
second = list(candidates)[0]
res = __build_from_pattern(pattern, first, second)
if res == value:
print(f'a={first}, b={second}', 'Pattern matches')
return True
print('Pattern doesn\'t matches')
return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
assert pattern_matching('aabab', 'catcatgocatgo')
assert pattern_matching('abaaaaa', 'catgoocatcatcatcatcat')
assert pattern_matching('abaaaab', 'catgoocatcatcatcatcat') == False
assert pattern_matching('abaabaa', 'catgoocatcatgoocatcat')
assert pattern_matching('ababaaa', 'catgoocatgoocatcatcat')
assert pattern_matching('aba', 'zxcvbnm') == False

Updated on 2020-06-27